One fine April morning as they sat at the breakfast table Farmer Brown said to his wife, “You know, young Tom has been asking that we get him a dog. I’m just not sure he’s responsible enough. What shall we do?”
“I’ve got just the idea,” Mrs. Brown replied. “Why not get the boy his very own rooster! This will teach him a lot about being grown up enough to own a pet”.
“What an excellent idea!”, beamed Farmer Brown. “I’ll take the boy into town tomorrow and he can pick out a rooster for his very own!”.
The following day found the two at Roosterama, looking over hundreds of the finest birds in all the land.
“There’s so many, Father, how shall I ever choose?”, queried Tom.
Farmer Brown smiled and said, “Choose with your heart son, and you are never wrong”.
Tom thought for a moment and announced, “Then…..I choose this one!” and held up the smallest, skinniest rooster of them all.
“Are you sure Tom? Do you really want that little runt?”, his Father asked, looking over his spectacles and scratching his head.
“Yes, I’m sure”, nodded Tom. “He’s special. I’m calling him Petey!”
So into the old truck they climbed, Farmer Brown, Tom, and Petey the little bantam rooster.
Soon the two became inseparable. Tom would get up early every day and play with his little cock until it was worn out. After school he would race home as fast as he could, reach down and grab his cock, and stroke its head and tease it ’til it was too tired to stand up anymore.
“That boy sure loves playing with that cock of his”, Mrs. Brown said one day.
“Oh, Sarah, let him enjoy himself. After all, he is a young boy, you know!”, winked Farmer Brown.
One day Tom decided to take Petey to school for show and tell. He walked proudly into the classroom and exclaimed, “Look Mrs. Johnson! Look what I have!”. And with that he unzipped his pouch to expose his tiny cock.
But Tom’s classmates did not share his enthusiasm.
“You call that a cock?!”, laughed Willie. “What good is a tiny pecker like that!?”.
Then all the boys laughed and the girls whispered and giggled amongst themselves.
“C’mon Petey”, cried Tom. Let’s get out of here!”, and out of the classroom and back home they ran.
When Tom finally got home he went up to his room and cried and cried.
Soon Mrs. Brown came in and sat on the edge of the bed. “Tom, the school phoned and told me what happened. I know you meant well, but I think you must understand that you shouldn’t have pulled out your cock in front of the class like that”.
“I’m sorry, Mum. I’m just so proud of him, I wanted everyone to see!”
“Don’t you worry Tom”, soothed Mrs. Brown. “I have a good feeling about this cock of yours. It will all work out. Trust me. Mums just know these things”.
Summer holidays arrived and the bond between Tom and his cock grew stronger. As the days passed, Petey began to eat and eat and grow and grow. He got bigger with each passing day, and by August had sprung to a full twelve inches!
One day, as Tom and Petey walked to the market, a crowd began to gather. A stranger piped up, “My goodness, look at the size of that guy’s cock!!”.
“Yes, its huge!”, said another.
“May we touch it?”, asked a group of giggling girls.
“Ummm….you better not”, replied a nervous Tom. “You see, its never been touched by a girl before and I’m scared it might go off!”.
Just then the Mayor appeared.
“Tom”, he said, “that’s just about the biggest cock I’ve ever seen, and trust me, I’ve seen many! How would you like to represent our town at the big fair? You’re sure to win with one that big!”.
“Gee, we’d be honored, wouldn’t we Petey!”, he beamed .
Tom turned to head back home and as he walked away he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Willie from school, and he was with Suzie Lanford and her cute little cat.
“I owe you an apology, Tom”, he sheepishly said. “I’m sorry I poked fun at your cock. Will you forgive me?”.
“Aw shucks, Willie”, smiled Tom. “Sure. I forgive you!”.
Suddenly Suzie’s cat meowed and struggled to jump from her arms. “Gosh, my pussy sure wants to get at that big cock of yours, Tom”, she nervously admitted, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
“Not today, Suzie”, Tom quipped. “I have to get home and practice for the fair!”, and off they went.
Soon word of young Tom’s huge cock spread throughout the land, and there was much anticipation as the day of the fair was finally upon them.
As Tom waited nervously at the side of the ring, he couldn’t help looking at all the other boys’ cocks. But his was clearly the biggest and strongest of them all.
But suddenly, to his horror, a boy from the city showed up. The new lad looked at Tom and gave a smug smile as he pulled out his massive cock. It was HUGE!!…a full four inches taller than Petey and its red head glistened in the light as the boy stroked its powerful neck.
“Get ready to lose, sucker!”, said the smart mouthed boy to Tom.
“Gee, Petey, I guess we’re sunk”, sighed Tom. “Let’s just get this over with and go home”.
Each boy took their turn before the judges, proudly showing off their well groomed cocks. Tom and Petey gave the best show of all, Petey remaining well behaved and rigid with discipline the whole time.
Now it was the city boy’s turn. He entered the ring and it soon became clear to everyone he had no control over his robust rooster.
“That fellow certainly has the bigger cock, but it’s clear to me he has no idea what to do with it!”, said the lady judge.
Upon closer inspection, it became apparent to everyone that this boy had been abusing his poor cock, its neck swollen from rough handling and the skin worn off the head from repeated pulling and stretching.
Just then Mayor stepped into the ring and pinned the winning red ribbon on Tom’s shirt. “Congratulations, Tom! Your fine cock has made our town proud!”.
And an elated Tom picked up Petey and gave him a big hug.
“C’mon Petey”, he said with a grin, “let’s go find Suzie Lanford!”.
And the townsfolk cheered and cheered and everyone agreed that they had all learned a valuable lesson that day.