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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Del Phillips releases his album, Gentle Molecules

Hi folks, my name is Del Phillips and I’ve lived on Denman Island for 33 years. As of this month I’m the proud parent of a brand new musical album, entitled:

“ Gentle Molecules “ 

The 13 song album was recorded, engineered and produced by Hornby Island master of all things musical, Marc Atkinson. Marc, recent winner of the Canadian Folk Music award for Best Solo Instrumental Album, also plays every instrument on every song and co-wrote all of the tunes. Scotty Donaldson, Randy Duncan, and Cafe Pete Keher also co-wrote tunes with Marc and I. Hornby Island residents Kim June Johnson and James Emerson provided additional vocals as well.

   It’s an album of stories presented in sometimes traditional Folk style, while others are more alternative Folk. Some tunes are guitar based, others piano. The album deals with important and oft controversial topics like the opioid crises, Fish Farms and the declining viability of the shellfish industry. Maidens Blush is a song of love, loss and renewal placed on Canada’s Prairies in the 1950s. Just A War Wound is a dramatic and moving piece that poses the question …” can you feel anything at all? “ within a deep dive into PTSD.

  Not to say that the album is all heavy listening, not at all. Several toe tapping tunes show up in the form of a Celtic ode to life and love down at the Riverside, a sea shanty about a life of work on the beach, and a hook laden song about a poor fella and his communication breakdown with a bewildered Lady In The Lake. The title song Gentle Molecules is a bouncy and happy tribute to the empathetic people that have hoisted me up from anxiety and depression that sometimes invade my life.

This is my first album in 16 years, following my “ Delbertwindowpain Suites “

  This new album or singles can be streamed or purchased on almost all streaming platforms, Google Music, Amazon, Apple Music, You Tube and Spotify. The CD’s arrived on our front porch last week and are available from myself or Shirley Phillips at Lilac Sun Pottery. CD Albums also available at Abraxas Books and at The Guest House on Denman.

Check out my website, delphillips.ca for all the album details, song lyrics and photos.


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