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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Coming Soon: A Non Violent Communication Workshop International Women’s Day

Coming Soon

A Non Violent Communication Workshop International Women’s Day

Saturday March 8th and Sunday March 9th 10am till 4pm

As some of us are getting older a few grandmothers and elder women realized that we have things to share. That led us to the idea of inviting the women of Denman Island to examine their conditioning and its impact on their relationships with others through non violent communication. A Non Violent Communication workshop celebration is being offered to celebrate this year’s of International Women’s Day March 8th 2025.

We would like to invite women to look at some generational patterns carried through from our mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers. Women’s lives are dramatically limited by a legacy of patterns that don’t often assist us in meeting our needs. Women were not trained in mutually satisfying conflict resolution. We can learn tools to listen even when we don’t agree and search to find the authenticity and humanity between us. Listening skills can help develop an awareness of patterns from our past, and help us move forward, contributing to a peaceful world.

Women who have taken these workshops in the past on Denman report that the benefits have stayed with them.

One woman said that NVC practice reduced her fear of talking about controversial issues being more comfortable sharing the room with people in public meetings while holding different opinions. She was able to acknowledge their strengths and intentions but disagreeing safely after giving more time to active listening. Another said “At a Mud Girl’s workshop we watched an NVC video called “Making Life wonderful” I got a taste of the incredible possibilities of connecting heart to heart.” A parent said that NVC helped make life with a “dissreglated” 3 year old more peaceful. Another reported “ I learned the healing gift of self empathy.” A mother reported that it changed her family dynamic and that she still uses NVC with her now adult son.

We are very excited to offer this NVC workshop again and welcome Jenna Card and her colleague Dorathea Vogel as our instructors.They are both Certified Non Violent Communication instructors and passionate about helping people create thriving, harmonious relationships. Dorathea is so inspired by our intentions and working with us on Denman that she has offered her supportive skills free of charge. Through coaching and facilitation, they guide individuals and communities in deepening self-awareness, navigating conflict and fostering authentic connections. Drawing on extensive training and nonviolent communication, relational neuroscience, and somatic practises, Jenna blends empathy, practical tools, and transformative insight to support clients in embracing self compassion, courageous communication, and greater authenticity in their lives in relationships. See more of Jenna Card www.heartspring.ca

Call for Donations…Our event is dependent upon your willingness to join our fundraising efforts. We hope that you will be willing to consider donating to this learning opportunity. Our purpose with this early announcement and fundraising letter is to raise independent donated funds so that we can reduce the participation fee to ensure that all who would want to come will be able to. We can accept only 30 participants. The fee will be determined after this fundraising effort. Registration information and updates will follow in an article in the Flagstone’s February edition. It is our goal to raise as much money as we can to cover a good portion of the expenses. (instructor fees, travel, hall rental and advertising and accommodation).

If you would like to donate funds to support this project please send an e-transfer to eeileenobrien@gmail.com identifying it as an NVC IWD 2025 event or if your organization needs to send funds to a society please send an e-transfer to DICES Denman Island Education Society dices.communityprograms@gmail.com again please identify it as NVC IWD 2025 attention Miki. We will post registration information in all newsletters/ publications. We will set the fee for participants after our fundraising efforts. Watch the grapevine for updates. DICES is helping by supporting us in supplying refreshments and advertising as well as organizational skills and in any other way they can.

Thank you in advance for supporting this women’s NVC learning process. Please order your Non Violent Communication book at Abraxas books now if you intend to come as it will take 14 days for the books to arrive. ‘NON VIOLENT COMMUNICATION’…A Language of Life Empathy collaboration authenticity freedom” 3rd edition Marshal B Rosenberg PHD

Thank you and we are very much looking forward to this IWD women’s event Saturday March 8th IWD and Sunday March 9th TIMES 10 till 4pm both days. There will be a small woman’s dance and musical event in the evening of March 8th organized by Erin O’Brien beginning at 7pm in the back hall.

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