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Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Herd

The Herd

Herds are fickle

They are dead easy to control

as long as you respect their instincts

You can apply all sorts of subtle force.

Just don’t spook them

The herd just wants to do their thing

Calm steady pressure is the key

Distractions confuse them

It keeps them compliant

 Compliance is crucial

A little fear goes a long way

It keeps the herd tighter

They are not stupid though

Pushing the herd too hard 

makes them unpredictable

 They could bolt

It might take days 

to round them up again

When a herd gets ornery,

it’s time to ease way up

They move as one and could balk

Wide-eyed fear turns into resistance

Even defiance 

Never back them into a corner because

 a totally different instinct kicks in

They could decide to charge 

When the herd turns on you,

there’s no contest

Every cowboy knows that

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