WindAnce Journey of Self
Jin Shin Jyutsu offers helpful and harmonizing opportunities to compassionately explore your inner world of Body, Mind, Spirit, Breath & Frequency. We invite you to take an hour for yourself to learn and practice basic Jin (hu-Man) Shin (Creator) Jyutsu (Art) self-care tools to Empower Inner Harmony and Personal Wellness.
Each class is facilitated by Erin O’Brien. She credits her lifelong (30+ years) dedication to self-care Jin Shin Jyutsu physio philosophy with her experience of overcoming chronic fatigue and debilitating arthritis. Daily practice keeps her feeling the Harmony alive in all aspects of becoming on the human journey.
January 20 January 27 February 10 February 24
6:30 – 7:30 PM in the Community Room at the Denman Island Community School – entrance by the gymnasium.
Each class begins with a gentle invitation to movement/dance/stretch/rest followed by a simple set of instructions for a personalized self-care experience using Jin Shin Jyutsu hands on healing practice. Most of this class will be spent comfortably laying down or sitting while exploring opportunities to unlock self-care insight with Jin Shin Jyutsu instruction.
No previous eastern medicine training required. You can learn more about Jin Shin Jyutsu at this website:
You can register to secure your spot by email to or by calling DICES at 250-335-2058.
The cost for each class is $15.
Drop ins Welcome as space allows.
DICES supports this community education opportunity.