Letter to the Editor – Joy Lacey


Who the f*ck is Caitlin Johnstone and why is person always in your paper with their preaching? I was of the understanding that The Grapevine’s intent is to cover local issues and local people. Is this person local?

Locally, on the topic of “the revolution”, myself and others are here on Denman doing it; growing food, building natural homes, supporting local suppliers and tightening up the community for survival. Not ranting and arguing about gov/corp control does not mean we are sheep who love the status quo. We see it; we expected it; we’re here stepping up for our families and our community while staying as happy and calm as possible. It’s not like gov/corp control is a new thing. Life has been this way for at least 2000 years. 

The sheep are the people who are being led into the bitter divisions that gov/corp is setting up right now.

Joy Lacey

Denman Island BC

Editor’s Note: TIG has never stated an intent to exclude non local stories, nor non local writers.