Where causes and conditions are favourable, I am fortunate to bear only the suffering I bring upon myself: I am spared the language of anguish and affliction at the hands of others.
Where causes and conditions are beneficial, I have good food to eat, and clean water to drink, where others have none: I am spared the language of profound hunger.
Where causes and conditions are negligible, I have a roof over my head, and a soft bed to lay upon: I am spared the language of cold and homelessness.
Where causes and conditions are favourable, I am kept in good company when it suits me, and find solace where it is required: there are others who live alone, lacking all human compassion and contact; I am spared the language of loneliness and sorrow.
Where causes and conditions are optimal, I find grace in solitude and meditation; there are others who are immersed in noise and confusion from sunrise to sunset, day in and day out: I am spared the language of discord and disorder.
Where causes and conditions are favourable, by good fortune of time and place, I can sit in view of the sun, a view of the light as it sits, either at sunrise, or twilight, enlivened by the sage advice of my Teacher: I am spared the language of the Lost Way, and the path before me is lit.
Where causes and conditions are favourable, the path is laid at my feet and the light is cast on ahead in such a way: who am I to question such good fortune?