Bravo Perri Gorrara! Thank you for sharing with April 25th Grapevine readers the excellent and revealing list of questions asked at The World Council for Health conference in Geneva, Switzerland recently. These questions carry a narrative of their own, recognizable for all to interpret.
I second Perri in her hope that an increasing number of people “will become aware of mistakes that have been made and stand together to prevent them being repeated in the future.” Neither the governments, Big Pharma, the medical profession, nor any established body supposedly looking out for public welfare, are able to help us. It is we, the overwhelming majority of humankind who must take charge and be courageous and responsible in governing our own lives. If we are not to be slaves let’s remember that we are the ones in charge. No-one else is going to help us, so please, let us “stand together” as Perri suggests, and help each other. In solidarity with all my fellow islanders, Amanda Hale