Letter to the Editor – Linda Armstrong



“Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada recognizes the need to have a collaborative and consultative policy with respect to antenna-supporting structures. As such, CPC-2-0-03 Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems requires proponents of an antenna system to consult local communities and respond to all reasonable and relevant concerns. Since municipalities are directly impacted by towers in their community, our procedures also allow municipalities to define their own antenna siting procedures and make informed decisions in regards to providing concurrence for the proposed tower.”

-Bernie Ries, Operations Manager, STS-Western Region

ISED Canada Feb 25, 2023

“Please let us consider carefully this ADDENDUM  presented by ISED Canada. 

– Since municipalities are directly impacted by towers in their community, our procedures also allow municipalities to define their antenna siting procedures and make informed decisions in regards to providing concurrence for the proposed tower.”

What kind of IMPACT do towers cause when installed in a community? 

 How does Hornby Island, being a small residential gulf Island community, welcoming visitors year around,  with a mandate to preserve and protect the Nature that is inherent to this unique Gulf Island do so, when allowing a constant wash of  Microwaves to impact all Island LIFE 24/7?  What exactly does Preserve and Protect mean in 2024 when the WHO still sites evidence re  harmful effects  re Radiofrequency exposures from 2011 and we are now in 2024… is this any assurance at all?   

https://www.iarc.who.int › wp-content › uploads › 2018 › 07 › pr208_E.pdf

PDF IARC classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as possibly …

Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ‐‐ The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use.

Ignorance and complacency sure does lead to a GRAND slap in the face that stings with every memory of How things used to be…change is inevitable but does it have to be with such disregard for the life potential of insects and reptiles, birds, animals and plant life…not to mention HUMAN BEINGS?

   If there was no problem with exposure to these frequencies, we would see that  ALL the citizens of this world, pre 2012 who were conducting studies and giving lectures worldwide; warning us about the dangers of microwave devices in our pockets, in our cars and homes and neighbourhoods, would be “RETIRED”; unfortunately they are not!  The list is long and at the top of the list is Barry Trower; “THE”  most highly credentialed individual re microwave technology and its effects on Everything.  A very elderly individual, who to this day is speaking continuously to everyone he can sharing this message,  “microwaves have been developed for use as Warfare weaponry and the war is on ALL Biological beings”. 

Arthur Robert Firstenberg (born May 28, 1950)[1] is an American author and activist on the subject of electromagnetic radiation and health.[2] He is the founder of the independent campaign group the Cellular Phone Task Force.[1] He is the author of Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution (Cellular Phone Task Force 1997) and The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (Chelsea Green 2020).

NOW is time to pay attention to ALL the voices of people around the world who KNOW... Radiation from ALL these wireless devices being used today; Cell phones, laptops, smart meters, baby monitors and so many others,  are rapidly damaging the fabric of our lives and the natural world.  We are quickly depleting very valuable resources with this unbelievably wasteful,” latest greatest gadget syndrome” and effectively damaging youthful brains along the way.  This is “THE REALM” of  “Unsustainability“; we must  “Wire in” our technology and stop striving for the latest greatest! 

sincerely, Linda Armstrong