Coffee tasting and talk: regenerative farming and Mayan Resilience
Join us on May 12th at 11am at the Back Hall for a coffee tasting and talk with Neydi Yassmine Juraccan from the Comité Campesino del Altiplano (CCDA). Come taste this amazing shade-grown Guatemalan coffee, grown in a regenerative polyculture. Coffee beans will be for sale following the talk and tasting.
The Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) was founded in 1982 as an organization to defend the rights of workers on large coffee, sugar and cotton plantations, to recover lands taken from the Mayan communities over the past centuries, and to promote and recover Mayan culture and spirituality.
When Guatemala’s armed conflict ended in 1996/97, the CCDA used the peace accords to obtain land for member communities. Some purchased the coffee plantations where their families had been farm workers for generations. Today, those plantations, reorganized as cooperatives, produce Café Justicia, a Solidarity Trade coffee, processed by the CCDA and exported to Canada and other countries. Profits from Café Justicia help finance the CCDA’s ongoing work for land reform, community development and an end to impunity and corruption in Guatemala.
Today about 800 communities in 20 of Guatemala’s 22 provinces belong to the CCDA, but the organization is strongest in the Madre Vieja valley of Sololá
Where is the Back Hall?
Hello. The Back Hall is located at the back end of the Community Hall. 1196 Northwest Road.
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