Upholding the Canadian Charter and Bill of Rights and Freedoms

“I am a Canadian, a free Canadian,
Free to speak without fear
Free to worship God in my own way
Free to stand for what I believe is right,
Free to oppose what I believe is wrong,
Free to choose those who shall govern my country.
This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.”
The Right Honourable John G. Diefenbaker
  Prime Minister of Canada. July Ist 1960
On Denman and Hornby Islands, there is a clan of freedom-loving Canadians who gather every couple of weeks for a pot luck, a party and a thoughtful circle, in which ideas, thoughts and concerns are shared. It is a wonderful collection of disparate people who are actively engaged in preparing for tough times  and helping each other in any way that they can.. There is , also, work being done to actively support our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and ensure that it is never violated again, as it has been in the recent past.
I saw an interesting quote today on Liberty.com.
“If you allow the government to break the law for an “emergency”
They will create “emergencies” in order to break the law.”
In my opinion , this is something that all Canadians who believe in the validity of the Canadian Charter need to be aware of , as we see governments around the world veering in this direction. Here in Canada, we will have the opportunity to correct the course Canada is on next year in 2025,. We need to reflect upon several other issues as well,  along with climate change, mandatory digital IDs and currencies, 15 minute cities, mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns. Each of these issues give the government far too much control over our lives and well-being and contravene the Canadian Charter and Bill of Rights and Freedoms. A significant number of these contraventions have been overturned in the  Canadian court system since 2020.
Do you remember the days when Canada was seen as a role model for other countries. A country of peacekeepers not warmongers, who sell military hardware to Ukraine and Israel, to name but a couple of countries. I believe that it is very important. That each of us, in our own inimitable way stand up for the rebuilding of a new version of the Canada we once knew: A Freedom-loving, inclusive and peaceful nation of people of every culture, colour and sexual orientation that can once again become a great example to the world.
On a local level, it is imperative that we promote the healthy, peaceful and, dare I say it as a “bloody Brit”, myself, “polite” exchange of differing ideas and philosophies in a kind and caring manner and do everything we can on every political level to support Canadian Rights and Freedoms and protect them through rallies, demonstrations and the written and spoken word on both, mainstream and alternate media.
                                                                                                                Perri Gorrara