Letter to the Editor
Islanders know about the advantages of using the Experience Card, and in the case of seniors, riding the ferries from Monday to Thursday. There are several more ways to take advantage of the benefits when it comes to returning to Denman and Hornby.
If a child has an activity off island any time in the year, including during the summer, the child is free. No slip is needed; it only requires that the details are stated at the ticket booth.
If a medical procedure or test can only be provided off island, the patient needs a pink slip from the Denman Clinic for a free ride on the ferry for the patient, vehicle, and escort. It has to be filled out before the trip. This applies locally, as well as for treatment in Vancouver.
If a medical procedure is required anywhere in Canada on an urgent basis, Hope Air provides an all expenses paid trip for the patient and an escort for as long as is necessary. That’s the flight, hotel, shuttles, and meals. The benefit is income based. Instructions are available on Google.
B.C. Ferries has a bill of rights that supposedly covers the hotel, plus costs, if you miss the final ferry to the island. Customer service in the head office decides if they’re at fault. This only applies to reserved bookings on the big ferry. The 6:35 ferry from Vancouver arrives in Nanaimo at 8:15 p.m. It’s deemed to arrive too late for drivers to catch the final 9:30 p.m. from Buckley Bay. Islanders are shit out of luck.
But if you tell the customer service on the Vancouver run that you are trying to catch the connection, they will ensure that you are one of the first cars off, and will inform the crew at Buckley Bay to delay the final sailing until you arrive. You don’t have to risk your life by flying over the speed limit.