Letter to the Editor – Will Thomas


To the editor:

I wish to correct two errors in my January community information flyer regarding CityWest’s wireless routers. 

Unfortunately, my pre-flyer enquiries to CityWest via email and phone went unanswered. 

On the Calix website, I admit being triggered by the “5G bandwidth” description for their routers. Turns out, they meant the 5 GHz frequency. This isn’t good either. But 5 GHz is not 5th Generation wireless.

It also looks like I mistook the GS4227 GigaSpire BLAST u6.2 802.11ac for the hot new, GS4227 GigaSpire BLAST u6.2 802.11ax, with its 30% greater range.

But don’t feel left out. Both routers share powerful WiFI 6 protocols. Hence, the 802.11ac’s “Long Range”designation. Apparently slated for installation here, this fibre-to-wireless router provides simultaneously transmits multiple data streams “for optimal whole-home coverage.”

Calix constantly refers to their routers as “radios”. While semantically correct, this soothing moniker is highly misleading. 

An AM radio station broadcasts on frequencies of  0.001535 — 0.0017 GHz. 

Cell phones can transmit at 0.849 GHz.

The GigaSpire 802.11ac BLAST simultaneously radiates multiple channels at 2.4 and 5 GHz.

Operating essentially as miniature cell towers in the home, cordless phone cradles qualify for true “blaster” status at 5.8 GHz.

Giga = billion. Hertz = cycles-per-second. Flipping the polarity in living tissue billions of times every second matters. Because you are an antenna. And over time, every Gigahertz hurts. 

The problem is all this pulsing. When a router sends a fibre-optic-delivered firehose of livestreams, texts and voice invisibly through the air, the more frequency modulation is required to handle all this data. And the more living cells get jackhammered.    

Forget industry-captured “Safety Code 6, which continues to dismiss the long-proven biological effects of induced electromagnetic energy.


Calix extolls its customers to “have a BLAST” with any of its WiFi 6 (u6) routers. The GS4227 transmits at 6.5 watts. 

That’s a lot. Cellphones linked to many health problems  are restricted to 2 watts of power. 

A cell tower transmits through multiple antennas at 10 — 50 watts.

While wireless energy diminishes with the inverse square of distance, current 4th Generation (4G) frequencies easily penetrate flesh, glass and most walls to enable the connectivity currently experienced on Hornby patios and backyards. 

Keep in mind that the myriad cumulative damage shown by thousands of EMF studies going back to WWII is measured in microwatts.


“Wireless sickness” is real. Fetuses, infants, kids, seniors, pets and the infirm are especially vulnerable. In 2001, Spanish doctors expressed alarm over the disturbed brain activity they were seeing in wireless-exposed children that “will lead to impaired learning ability, as well as psychiatric and behavioral problems.”

A 2002 study conducted by Dr. Dietrich Klinghart, MD, PhD of the Institute of Neurobiology in Seattle similarly found that electromagnetic radiation “from cellphones and wireless networks” suffusing the sleeping environment of mothers during pregnancy, as well as electromagnetic radiation in the sleeping environment of children “may be the key undiscovered contributing if not causative factors in neurological impairments in children, including autism.” 

Perhaps we ought to “watch the birdies” avoid  microwaves when they can. Nearly 30 years ago, Canadian researchers found that feathers act as wireless antennas. Ditto the hairs on bees. And your arms.


Wireless addiction activates the same pleasure centers in the brain as cocaine. In a seemingly terminal feedback loop, corporations are responding to the consumer demand stoked by their enticingly marketed gadgets. As more family members multitask in the home — and more signal-deflecting metal appliances find their way inside — WiFi 6 routers are flexing their muscles to keep up. 

If you prefer to go with hardwired devices in your living space, a CityWest installer will disable the Gigaspire’s wireless functions and show you where to connect to its 4 ethernet ports. I am now assured that it will remain off, unless you say otherwise. 

The Precautionary Principle stipulates that products must not be widely introduced until proven safe. When connecting to fibre, converting clean optical signals into home-saturating electrosmog may not be the best choice. Are your hardwired neighbours onboard with secondhand EMF? 

Sources: calix.com, gigaspire.net, blastwifi.com, gvec.net, electronics.stackexchange.com, lumosfiber.com