March 30, 2007
Old Tricks
Just heard word that old Hank (‘Grumpy,’ as I may have referred to him in these pages some time ago), has found his way back into the can. He was released from here 40-odd days ago after serving what I believe was eight months of a one year sentence for his fourth drinking-driving offence. Aside from the offence itself he was also in breach of his probation. This means that he is currently sitting in remand down in Victoria at Wilkenson Road, awaiting trial. Looks like he’ll never learn.
While he was here he defiantly balked at entering the core programs such as ‘Substance Abuse Management,’ or ‘A.A.,’ which no doubt is noted on his records somewhere. To not only take a mere 40 days to re-offend for a fifth time but do so while under a driving suspension as well, it’s sounding like it couldn’t be much worse for him. About the only thing that could be seen as positive for Hank in all of this is that everyday spent awaiting trial, counts for two days against his eventual sentence. Well that, and the fact he didn’t hit or kill anyone. What a poor, stupid bugger.
I could ask, “Won’t you ever learn, Hank?” If not for the understanding such rhetorical question I gather he doesn’t need to hear at present…especially from a fellow red.
His last sentence was a year.
He re-offends for a fifth time within 6 weeks of release, with a suspended driver’s license.
He’s in breach of the probation imposed upon him for his fourth offence.
He is fucked.
If Sean Miller is the ‘Big Dawg,’ then Hank is most definitely the ‘Old Dog,’ for it is an old dog that has no room left for new tricks.