Letter to the Editor

Bill Engleson


February 6, 2022


The Islands Grapevine,

Dear Editor,

I was impressed (and by that I mean painfully so) by the bulk (not by any means the credence) of anti-vax, anti-mandate, anti-regard for Public Health in the February 3rd, 2022, edition of the Islands Grapevine.

I suppose there is a sense from some that pummeling the Islands with tons of tomes espousing outlandish outlier opinion (and prosaic propaganda) canonizing the incongruously overwrought Freedom Convoy will in some way justify the positions stake out.

One wonders how the residents of Denman and Hornby would react if a similar subjugation of honking noise and fossil fuel excess clogged the hearts and/or the ferry terminals of both our island communities.

And stayed for a week or a month or forever until the government was overthrown.

I do realize that toppling governments might appeal to a segment of our two communities.

We are all tired of the virus, the means to control/manage it. However, masking, vaccination, vaccine mandates, care for the exhausted health professionals and others on the front lines (including the 90% of truckers who are vaccinated) and, perhaps most importantly, respect for Public Health guiding us through this monstrous maze are essential to the way out of this pandemic-evolving-into-an-endemic Ferris Wheel.


Bill Engleson RSW (Retired and Non-Practicing)

Denman Island
