2022 Denman Island Phone Directory
It’s that time of year, again! Production of the 2022 Denman Phone Directory is now underway.
Are you new to the Island or recently moved? Please submit changes and new listings to denmanislanddirectory@gmail.com (preferred), or leave a message at 250-335-1483 by February 28. We rely on your feedback to keep the Directory accurate and up-to-date – if you spot any errors or omissions, old listings that should be deleted, please let us know!
ALSO: The Denman Phone Directory is the go-to resource for island goods and services. Ad rates represent excellent value for the money! New advertisers and business listings are always welcome – ads begin at $25 for a two-line listing, boxed ads are $50 per column inch. If you would like to place an ad or would like more info please contact us.
This project is a fundraiser for Arts Denman, and proceeds benefit a wide range of arts programming on the Island.