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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Support for Cancer Patients

Support for Cancer Patients

By Veronica Timmons

After I had a breast lumpectomy the doctor told me that it was cancerous. On hearing those words my brain shut down. Fortunately, my partner Alan remembered everything and even wrote notes. This kind of support was vital over the next two years of my treatment at the Cancer Care Clinic. I am truly grateful for the people in my life who give me comfort, who I can discuss hopes and fears with or who help me find medical information. This community is full of people who have made the journey so much easier for me but I recognize not everyone has this kind of support. The BC Cancer Agency has published that 1 out of 2 people will get cancer in the next ten years as the population ages so most of us will know someone with it. Fortunately, my type of cancer is 85% curable and I have always assumed I would be in that percentage. So far so good.

Sometimes you don’t know the right questions to ask. The doctors, wonderful as they were, just didn’t have time to answer all my questions. I was lucky that a friend gave me a book on breast cancer. I still had questions so I talked to an island friend who had had it. She told me about the DI Cancer Support Group and that Friday I went to a meeting and I’m so glad I did. There were twelve of us and Dr. Tetz. Each person spoke about their cancer, treatment and current health. Everyone in the group listened closely and gave their suggestions in a kind and helpful way. I joined the group and have found it very helpful and safe. We pledge that nothing we say will be repeated.

Once Covid struck the weekly Friday meetings at the Anglican Church moved to Zoom (Sundays at 11am). Not everyone has a computer or likes Zoom so we have decided to meet face to face on Friday, December 17th at 1:30pm in the meeting room at the Anglican Church. All covid rules will be followed. Please contact me for more information or to be put on our list – 335-1828 or vtimmons@telus.net.

Another support for cancer sufferers is the Farm to Family program. This volunteer program cooks nutritious frozen ready-to-serve soups, stews and casseroles every other Sunday (using as much Denman produce as they can). Meals are distributed at no cost to folks who need of this support. Contact the Better at Home program at 250-898-0245 to order.


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