A Free Holiday Gift For Everyone on Denman and Hornby Island

Danté Ambriel


by Dante Ambriel

During this pandemic, we had to close our gallery.

We missed seeing everyone and we missed the Christmas Markets.

We loved creating presents for our community members and their families.

So, this year we decided to send out a gift to all of you to wish you a very Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year from both of us!

Over the last two years of the Pandemic, Tashi and I have been playing a lot of musical instruments together.

This November, we decided to take the month and explore the idea of doing spontaneous duets.

The dramatic November weather became our inspiration.

The wind, the leaves, the water, the frost, the moon and clouds, all found their voices in these duets.

Over the month, we created beautiful, melodic – sometimes haunting – pieces, nearly one a day – playing as a duet – Dante on piano or harp and Tashi on violin or cello.

Each piece was recorded live, as it appeared spontaneously – without any rehearsal or any corrections – so that the fragility of discovery was maintained.

As the days went by we completed 28 duets.

We put them onto two CD’s and called the set The Genesis Moment.

So, we have created a 2 hour live concert of original music for your pleasure for free.

Please visit our new web channel address Everything Luminous on YouTube next week in order to listen to the free concert.

Tashi will also post the internet address on the Taystayic Open Bulletin Board on Facebook.

Also, the finished film of Dante’s award winning play Virtual Ecstasy will be available to watch for free on YouTube next week.

Google: Virtual Ecstasy DigiStagePlay Productions YouTube 

A very Happy Holiday from Dante and Tashi at Flowing Art Studio!