“The Editor,
As residents and business owners on Denman we want to speak in strong support of the City West/ CVRD proposal to improve our phone, TV and internet service.
There are many ways this service will be a benefit to our island:
-Our present business internet service is very slow, speedier service will allow us more time to do what we want – serving our customers.
-Bundling our services under the new administration will mean a considerable saving allowing us to pass savings on to, you guessed it, our customers.
-At present there are many poorly served areas of our island – some receive no service at all. This new proposal will benefit these folks.
-There is no cost for consenting to having the service brought to your residence. “Drop Approval’ forms are available in the Hardware store, at Abraxas and on line.
-If the proposal is unsuccessful it will not be repeated and there are no other players in a position to match City West’s offer. So we will lose our chance to, finally, upgrade the service available to us.
NB It is very important that home owners actually get out and vote on any of the three days open to us.
Filling out the Drop Approval Form will save you money if and when you may decide to opt for services to your home but for the proposal to pass you still need to vote on any of the following three days:
Wednesday November 17, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm at the CVRD office in Courtenay; (Advance Voting)
Wednesday November 24, 9:00 am -12:00 noon at the Denman Activity Center (Special Voting)
Saturday November 27, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm at the DAC. (General Voting)
Please support this initiative and the broader community by voting “Yes.”
Sincerely Graeme and Verna Isbister